Why your website needs a landing page

What exactly is a landing page?
You are losing valuable sales leads, if you are using a home page as your landing page. The home page of your website is designed to be general purpose and explains what it is your business does.
While, a landing page is a website page that allows you to capture a visitor’s information through a lead form.
A good landing page will be targeted to a particular stream of traffic – say from an email campaign advertising a particular webinar. You can use landing pages that helps visitors to download some content offers or redeem other marketing offers such as free trials or coupons for your product.

How does a landing page work?
Before you start an advertising campaign and set up a webpage to capture traffic, ask yourself what you want your customers to do when they visit your website. Whatever your purpose is, having a clear vision of what you want your landing page to achieve means that it can be set up to direct traffic in such a way that increases the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

Here’s the 6 Reasons why your website needs a landing page
If you are still not convinced that landing pages will make your advertising and lead generation efforts more effective? Here are few more tempting reasons:

1. Landing Pages Directly Support Your Business Goals
The biggest benefits of landing pages is that they support our business goals such reaching a new niche market, promoting a new product, or getting new customers. It benefits your business because they can be focused to the specific audience or goal we are targeting, and allow us to measure success as compared to that goal.

Landing pages are designed around specific actions that can be tailored to satisfy some business goals, landing pages can encourage people to take action like sign up for your mailing list, providing contact information, subscribing to a newsletter, make a purchase, or even request a consultation.

2. Landing Pages also Increase Conversions
Just like a website contains information that influences a visitor’s decision to take actions, a good landing page does exactly the same. The landing pages set up a clear action for visitors to take and makes it easy for them to perform those actions. As a result, you will see more of that action being taken (also termed as conversion). Landing pages grows your business because more conversions leads to more customers and more money for your business.

3. Generate Data and Insights
When a landing page is to a specific campaign, action, or source, you can easily see which channels are bringing in the most leads, which topics are of most interest, and which campaigns are performing better. Tracking user behavior is the best practice for landing pages that produce valuable statistics. These insights can help you refine your target audience and your campaign strategies, and improve your overall effectiveness.

If our landing page contains a form, we can use the information requested in the form to learn more about our visitors, such as their preferred date and time for a consultation, or specific information they want us to know.

4. Improve Paid Search Campaigns
Click through rates decides a successful Search Engine Marketing and paid search campaign , and click through rates are greatly influenced by landing pages

A landing page specifically developed for an advertising campaign, brings target customers to one web page. On that page they will find information only about what they’re interested, increasing the likelihood that they will call your business or fill out a form, and become a new lead. Since this is exactly what the person is looking for in their search, and the landing page facilitates the ultimate goal of the user, they are more likely to click on that link and follow through with all of the steps.

5. It Can Grow Your Email List
Landing pages are generally used for lead generation, meaning that a business gets calls or form submissions from interested customers who then become potential leads. A landing page may contain a form that asks for a user’s information, such as name, email address, phone number, or company. If the form on your landing page that asks for customer’s email, your landing page can then benefit your business by growing your email list.

When someone fills out a form, you can have checkbox where visitor can also ask to receive emails and offers from your business.

6. Landing Pages Increase Credibility
As landing pages are focused on a particular task, or objective, the content and elements of the landing page can be optimized to facilitate that task as much as possible. When a visitor feels like their course of action is clear and your site is helping them to achieve that course of action, they recognize that you understand their desires and have put thought into creating the best process for fulfil them.

Including testimonials on the landing page for the product or service it is representing is another way to increase the credibility benefits of landing pages is by.

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